Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Discussion Topic 1

This is Bethany G. and I would like to ask everyone to list at least one thing that they found worked well or was helpful during their student teaching experience.  I have many and I will post a few.  The more ideas we can share, the more ideas we could try in our classroom as we finish up out student teaching. When posting a comment, please use the format listed below!

Name: (First and last inital)
Creative Idea/Helpful Information:

Enjoy reading everyone's ideas!
Welcome to all the wonderful student teachers from SMSU! I am so excited to offer this opportunity to share experiences, ask questions, find new ways of presenting a lesson, etc.

Thank you to Bethany G. for setting this up for us to have a test run with it the remainder of the semester. We older teachers (yes, Wendy I'm including you) need help with this new technology.

Enjoy the opportunity!
Sheryl K.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Networking time...

Thank you! Please keep your hosting districts and schools confidential. This is a place to network with each other to share ideas about lessons, classroom management, etc. I look forward to reading and networking with all of you.


Hello student teachers and visitors!

This blog site was created to allow student teachers to have a central location to share experiences that they have had in student teaching. It would also be a great place for you to share creative ideas that you use during student teaching that worked well for you. Please share as much as you are willing to or can.

As a teacher, the following things CANNOT be discussed in your blog post
-Students first or last names or names of their family members
-School District that you student taught in