Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Discussion Topic 1

This is Bethany G. and I would like to ask everyone to list at least one thing that they found worked well or was helpful during their student teaching experience.  I have many and I will post a few.  The more ideas we can share, the more ideas we could try in our classroom as we finish up out student teaching. When posting a comment, please use the format listed below!

Name: (First and last inital)
Creative Idea/Helpful Information:

Enjoy reading everyone's ideas!


  1. From a zillion years ago, I student taught in a 6th grade classroom and posted "points to ponder" every week on a bulletin board. It soon caught on and the students began looking for them and posting them on the B-board. :-)

  2. Name: Bethany G.
    Grade: 2
    Helpful Idea: for discipline, I used '1, 2, I see you' and the students really responded to this well. It was challenging until I used this to get their attention right away. I still use this for the few lessons that I teach and they know that when I say it, they need to be quiet. My supervising teacher doesn't use this and they know that when she is teaching, they follow her discipline rules.
